These Districts Are the Most Popular among Property Buyers This Year
November 4th, 2013

The cheaper, HUF 9-million worth apartments of the 14th district and the more expensive, HUF 25-50-million worth apartments of the 2nd district are the most popular this year. Ca. 350 of them is sold annually. The most transactions are realized in the 11th and the 13th district; 2200-2500 transactions are made here each year. In the 11th district the cheaper, HUF 9-10-million worth apartments are also popular; annually 300 of them are sold. In the market of the cheapest apartments (which are worth HUF 5 million or less) the 8th district is the most popular: here 15 percent of the transactions are realized in this category, which means 210 properties. In the market of the HUF 25-50-worth Budapest properties besides the 2nd district the 5th is the most popular. In the latter region every third sold apartment falls into this category; ca. 220 are sold annually. In the 2nd district 27 percent of the transactions are realized in this price category, which means 350 apartments annually. Ca. 1300 transactions are realized each year. In the market of the most expensive properties (which are worth HUF 50 million or more) also the 2nd district is the most popular; 14 percent of the transactions are realized in this price category, which means 180 apartments annually.
CEOs Also Prefer the 2nd District
Among the company owners and CEOs the 2nd district is the most popular, too; 53 percent of the residents is represented by them. According to the survey of business information service Bisnode the 2nd district is followed by the 12th, the 1st, the 5th and the 16th on this list. Most of the CEOs of the companies with 50 or more employees live in the 12th, the 2nd, the 5th, the 1st and the 22nd district. Regarding all the CEOs the 7th district is popular, too; but the leaders of the bigger companies don't like it that much.