Another Global Brand Opens Store in Budapest
July 22nd, 2013

The Michal Negrin fashion company, that has stores in 23 countries, opened it’s new facility in Budapest. The brand which produces formal clothing, jewelry, decoration items and other accessories, has moved into the building of Váci1 Shopping Centre.

Another global brand has moved to Budapest. The Michal Negrin fashion company, which produces mostly fashion jewelry and formal clothing, opened it’s new store on the 6th June in Váci1 Shopping Centre (Váci1 Üzletház). The tenant, Leman-Line Ltd. already has stores in 23 countries of the world; the new Hungarian store is their second one in the country.

The brand, which produces vintage clothes and accessories, was founded 25 years ago. It started as a small family business, but it started to bloom soon: now it has 60 stores all around the world, in Europe, the United States and the Far East. For their second Hungarian store they were searching for a place, which fits the brand regarding to it’s location, style and quality as well. That is why they finally decided to sign the tenancy contract with the Orco Property Group, the operator of the Váci1 Shopping Centre, which is located in an old city-centre building.

The Israeli jewelry and clothes designer, Michal Negrin developed her talent as a designer in her childhood. She opened her first store in Tel Aviv. Meir Negrin became the CEO of the company, who she got married to in 1984. They founded their factory in 1996, and from then on their business started to expand: first only in the Far East, but later also in the United States and Western Europe. Their first Hungarian store was opened in 2012 at Liszt Ferenc International Airport. Negrin designs her vintage clothes and accessories combining the old with the new, using special colors and several different methods. She designs each piece herself, all of her jewelry is decorated with Swarowski crystals, and comes with a lifetime warranty. The designer has worked together with several celebrities, and also designed costumes for operas.

