Development of the Palotanegyed Continues
June 27th, 2013

The Palotanegyed (Palace District) is the inner part of the Eighth District of Budapest called Józsefváros (Joseph Town). It is located east behind the Hungarian National Museum; between Múzeum körút, Astoria, Rákóczi út, the Grand Boulevard (Nagykörút), Üllői út and Kálvin tér. Most of the buildings located here were built between the year 1860 and 1900. The area is called Palotanegyed because there are several palaces here, like the Wenckheim, the Pálffy, the Pejacsevich or the Bánffy Palace. The first part of the restoration plan of the area was finished last year; new trees were planted, pedestrian streets were built from Kálvin tér to Gutenberg tér, bicycle racks were put on the streets, and several buildings were equipped with outdoor decorative lighting. The costs of the development were covered by a HUF 2-billion EU subvention.
The Development Costs HUF 800 million
The second part of the restoration will be accomplished within the confines of the program called ‘The City Centre of Europe'. The project costs HUF 800 million, of which HUF 500 million the district is planning to get from the metropolitan city rehabilitation budget, and the remaining part would be provided by the self-government. The object of the developments is to increase the area's touristic appeal. Several apartment blocks and public areas are planned to be restored within the confines of the program, such as those on Mikszáth tér, Bródy Sándor utca, Rökk Szilárd utca and Somogyi Béla utca. According to the plans the facades of the houses will be redone, boards with the story of the houses will be put on, and the stairways and patios will also be renewed. Fountains are planned to be built on squares, and the district also would like to have a ‘culture market' with street musicians, small shops and street vendors.
The Restoration Can Be Finished by Next Fall
It will be revealed in September if the district receives the needed HUF 500 million from the metropolitan city rehabilitation budget. The construction can be started after, and expected to be finished by next fall.
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