Property Investments in Florida, USA
September 10th, 2012

"US is top 2012 property investment pick" (Reuters)  

As a response to increased interest from our international client base and external investor clients, this year Tower has started offering investment properties in Florida, USA. Please find below a short introduction to why investing in the US has become so popular today. 

The timing seems to be right – prices of homes have come down by up to 70% since the Sub-Prime Crisis. Millions of homeowners were foreclosed on – and as an effect, the rental market skyrocketed because those former homeowners now need rental property to move into.   

At the same time, the American property market is highly regulated: previous home values can be easily cross-checked and tenants are screened through a sophisticated credit-checking procedure.There are no title issues, landlords do not have to furnish rental properties and do not need to worry about the tenant running up utility bills at their expense. 

In locations such as Orlando and Tampa in Florida, rental yields of up to 12% are attainable. In addition to the above, the US economy is now back on a track of growth once again. Unemployment is below the OECD average, at about 8%, with new jobs being created each month. GDP growth is at about 2.75%. Many analysts would agree that in locations such as Florida, property is now undervalued and this window of opportunity will not remain open for long... 

Top Reasons Attracting Investors to the US market

- Prices are as low as 30% of previous values. 
- Rental Yields of up to 13% are attainable (after costs). 
- Prices starting from USD 50,000. 
- Secure and regulated property market. 
- US economy on the rebound.
- No furnishing expense for the landlord. 
- Utilities registered on the tenants name. 
- Highly developed and transparent buying process.  

If you are interested to learn more, please visit or email us on or call our Budapest office on +36 1 3540980.