What Kind of Apartments Get Sold and for How Much?
April 23rd, 2015

When searching for an apartment to buy, one of the most important aspects is location. According to Otthontérkép within Budapest, the 11th district is the most popular: 11 percent is looking for an apartment here. 9.2 percent prefers the 2nd district, and the 13th district is the third most popular. Within the country, Budapest is the most popular city – 71 percent would like to find an apartment here –, which is followed by Pest County. In the country, Veszprém, Somogy, Fejér and Győr-Moson-Sopron County are the most popular.
70 percent of home seekers are interested in HUF 10-35-million apartments. Most buyers – 25 percent – would like to buy an apartment for HUF 12-20 million. HUF 35-200-million luxury apartments are also popular: 20 percent is searching among them – but mostly out of curiosity, not as an actual buyer.
50-75-square-meter apartments are the most popular: 30 percent of all home seekers are interested in them. 20 percent is looking for smaller, 30-50-square-meter apartments and bigger, 75-100-square-meter ones. 10 percent is interested in large, 100-130-square-meter apartments.
Otthontérkép has currently near 1700 properties listed for rent in Budapest. They are preparing their anaylis based on the listed properties which cannot give a perfect picture of Budapest's property market, but gives useful information. These numbers can be different if we study only those apartments which are owned by foreign investors, furnished and renovated for rental purpose.