More than 10 Thousand Apartments Were Sold in February
March 13th, 2015

Real estate market has kept rising this year: 10776
apartments were sold this February, 20 percent more than in January; this result
has been the second best
since January 2012. According to the data of
real estate agency Duna House more and more expensive apartments are getting
sold, and buyers can get less off the
price. If this trend goes on, 140 thousand
apartments can be sold this year.
Budapest Apartments Were Sold for HUF 216-350 Thousand per Square Meter
In Budapest apartments in brick houses were sold for HUF 233 thousand (Pest) and for HUF 350 thousand (Buda), and those in panel blocks were sold for HUF 216 thousand (Pest) and for HUF 275 thousand (Buda) per square meter. In the country apartments in brick houses were sold for HUF 163 thousand, and those in panelblocks for HUF 135 thousand per square meter on average. In the eastern region apartments in panel blocks, and in the western region those in brick houses were more expensive.
The 13th District Was the Most Popular
In February the number of the buyers increased in each district: the 13th district was the most popular, which was followed by the 6th, the 7th, the 11th and the 14th district. The buyers had less opportunity to get a discount off the price: in Budapest, buying an apartment in a panel block, they could get 3 percent off; this rate was 4 percent in the case of apartments in brick houses, and 7 percent in the case of family houses. In the country these rates were 5, 6 and 9 percent.
One-Third Bought an Apartment as an Investment
One-third of the buyers bought an apartment as an investment, 31 percent bought their first own apartment, and 26 percent moved to a bigger or a smaller one. Investors bought a 53 square-meter apartment for HUF 14.3 million, and those who were looking for their first own place bought a 46 square-meter one for HUF 13.6 million on average.