More Than 9 Thousand Apartments Were Sold in January
February 12th, 2015

Last year a record-breaking amount of apartments, more than 100 thousand were sold, and the market kept on increasing this year as well.
According to the data of real estate agency network Duna House 9040 apartments were sold in January 2015.
This is a great result, since the first few months of each year are usually quite weak; as many apartments as in January 2015 have never been sold in a month
since the beginning of the crisis.
50 Percent More Apartments Were Bought
50 percent more apartments were sold in January 2015 than in the same month of 2015. Reasons for the increase of the market include the strengthening of the buyers’ trust and their willing to apply for a loan. The investors’ interest in Budapest property is increasing, too. And some of the home-seekers who were planning to buy an apartment before, but decided to wait for a while, now also decided to buy one.
140 Thousand Apartments Can Be Sold This Year
According to the expectations of Duna House the increasing trend will continue this year, and more apartments will be sold in 2015 than in 2014. 140 thousand apartments are expected to be sold. But of course this number depends of several aspects influencing the market, including forintization, monetary policy, loan conditions and subsidies.