Hungarian Apartments Are the Cheapest in the Region
September 29th, 2014

Within the Central European region Hungarian apartments are the cheapest and Czech ones are the most expensive: in Hungary we have to pay EUR 917 (HUF 286 thousand) per square meter, and in the Czech Republic an apartment costs EUR 1186 (HUF 370 thousand) per square meter.
Apartments in London Are the Most Expensive
According to the analysis of Deloitte surveying 14 European countries the most expensive apartments can be found in London and Paris. In London an apartment costs EUR 10 thousand (HUF 3.1 million) and in Paris EUR 8 thousand (HUF 2.5 million) per square meter.
Warsaw and Lisbon Are More Expensive than Hungary
An apartment in Warsaw costs EUR 1704 (HUF 532 thousand) per square meter, and in Lisbon EUR 1640 (HUF 512 thousand) per square meter. In Budapest we have to pay an average of 1140 EUR (356 thousand HUF) per square meter for an apartment.
In Southern Europe Apartments Got Cheaper
Property prices increased the most in Austria and Germany – by 7 and 5 percent –, but in some countries in Southern Europe they got even cheaper. Prices in Spain and Italy decreased by 13 and 5 percent. There’s a huge difference among the examined countries in point of how many years’ income is needed to be able to buy an apartment. In Denmark we need 2.1 year’s income, in the Czech Republic 7.2 year’s income, and in Poland and Hungary 7.4 year’s income to have our own apartment.