New Energy Efficiency Certificate Introduced
January 27th, 2012

As and from the 1st of January 2012, and according to EU Directive 2002/91/EK, all properties in Hungary must obtain a valid energy efficiency certificate when properties are either let for 1 year or more or sold. It applies to both buildings and the apartments / units within them.

According to the decree an energy certificate must be obtained / provided when properties are let or sold, but also if deeds are transferred. The certificate is valid for 10 years (although in certain cases new certs are required).

Although there is a considerable confusion around the implementation of the law(and enforcement of it) it is advised that home owners to comply with the requirement.

While a cost is incurred in obtaining the certificate we believe it is also of benefit for owners to have this review of their property’s energy performance. The certificate does not only rate the property but points out weaknesses it also makes recommendation for improvement as far as  energy usage.

Based on our experience tenants today are not only looking for the best value in rent. But Hungarian tenant especially are also concerned about high utility prices.

With energy certificate in hand, you (as a lessor) will be able to provide valid information to your tenants regarding energy usage and the energy efficiency of the property you intend to rent or sell.

Since the ratings are standardized for all properties it will be easy for tenant and for buyers to compare properties when they are on a market to buy or let.

Obtaining the Certificate:

Tower can of course assist in obtaining the certificate. We are currently being approached by many engineers with varying prices. Only certified and registered experts are allowed to issue the certificate who are listed at the national regulatory authority database.

Tower Property Group only works with licensed reputable professionals and we will only contract electricians who provide the Government advised price.

Tower's assistance and service will include:

-         an initial assessment(Step1): A certified engineer / electrician checks availability of the necessary legal and technical documentation that belongs to the apartment and to the building to assess the price for the certification.

-         providing estimate/quotation (Step 2)

-         Upon the approval (Step 3) a thorough on-site inspection will be performed, where data is collected on site to asses the individual performance of the property. The property’s energy efficiency rating is calculated by entering the data into an officially accredited computer software.

-         Then the certified expert verifies the data and issues  the certificate (Step 4) accordingly.


The certificate is valid for 10 years (however there are cases when new certificate is needed i.e. transfer of deeds).


Cost and expenses:

The Government and regulation legally limits the cost per assessment:

-         5500 plus VAT per hour

-         and max 2 hour can be spent per unit

-         administration/misc. cost (such as  postal expenses) is limited to 10% of total cost.

-         additional expenses are limited to (such as travel expenses) maximum 50% of the total cost charged per property (or property unit)

However the difficulty of obtaining necessary technical data (blue prints and original plans etc) could increase the final fee. This will be more common in older properties.

For that reason each order has to be dealt with individually and requires individual estimation.

We estimate a rough price range from 35 000-65 000Ft (VAT included) per an average property.

Ordering and other consideration:

Tower strongly recommends starting the process of obtaining certificate for apartments currently for sale or advertized for rent (more than year expected duration of lease term).

For those properties that are expected to be sold any time or the purchase contract is scheduled to be signed already it is unavoidable to obtain the energy certificate. The same goes for rental agreements that are longer than one year the certificate must be presented no later than contract signing according to the regulation.

Tower Property Group is here to assist you if you choose us to manage the process of obtaining the energy certificate to your property.

You can submit your order by sending us an e-mail to using the words "Energy Certificate" in the subject line.

Please verify as soon as you can.

Should you have any questions feel free to contact us.

For official information on the EU directive visit the following page on the EU Commission website: Energy Efficiency Certificate
