More Properties Are Bought as an Investment
July 30th, 2014

Property market got busier and the number of those who bought an apartment as an investment also increased in the 1st half of 2014: 10 percent more properties were sold than in last year’s same period. Some investors would like to sell the apartment at a higher price later, and others plan to sublet it. They can easily find a tenant among the future college and university freshmen.
Investors Can Get a 7-8 Percent Benefit in 10 Years
Now it’s really worth to buy an apartment as an investment, since according to the estimations investors can get a 7-8 percent benefit in 10 years, thanks to the permanently increasing rent prices. According to the data of real estate agency Otthon Centrum the most important thing about an apartment which is bought as an investment is its location: you can find a tenant soon, if you buy an apartment in the city center with great traffic opportunities or in the country in those university cities which are important industrial centers as well. Those who are planning to buy an apartment as an investment are suggested to find one near a college or a university.
It’s Worth to Think in the Long Run
At the end of August property market is made busier by the college and university freshmen every year. If you want to get a huge benefit from subletting your apartment, you have to think in the long run. The 1st reason for this is that selling an apartment can take 3-4 months – the small ones located in the city center are more easily sellable though. And the 2nd is that the owners usually have to wait 1-2 months until they can sublet their apartments. So the missing income can only be got if the investor thinks in the long run – which means at least 2-3 years.
These Are the Best Places to Buy an Apartment as an Investment
In the 1st half of 2014 tenants preferred the apartments located in the 11th, the 13th and the 8th district of Budapest, in the city center of Szeged and in the city center and in Nagyerdő in Debrecen – so those who’d like to buy an apartment as an investment are suggested to find one here.