6 Reasons Why Companies Should Move to Budapest
July 25th, 2014
Do you want to know what the 6 reasons are why it’s worth for foreign companies to move their offices to Hungary? Below you can get to know why Budapest is better than Bratislava or Prague.
1. Modern Offices
Budapest has the 2nd place on the list (behind Warsaw) of the cities having the most modern offices, overtaking Prague and Bratislava. Thus the colleagues of the companies moving here can work in a modern and comfortable environment.
2. A Lot of Empty Offices
The total area of empty office spaces is more than 500 thousand square meters; their rate is the highest compared to the nearby countries. Thus the companies get a lot of offices to choose from, and the prices are bargainable because of the relatively high rate of unused properties.
3. Low Rental Fees
The rental fees of the offices located in the city center haven’t increased since 2010; compared to the most expensive office markets Budapest is very cheap: though we are more expensive than Prague, we’re less expensive then Warsaw.
4. Qualified and Cheap Work Force
Companies choosing Budapest as a place for their new seat can save HUF 167 million on salaries and salary-related fees. The work force is not only cheap but well qualified: the rate of people between 25 and 64 having a university or college diploma is 22 percent – which is higher than in several countries in the region, including Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
5. Livable Environment
Budapest has several monuments worth to see, and the view to the Danube is spectacular: it’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Companies can rent an office in a renewed and modernized monument, like in the Parisian Court or in Eiffel Palace. And there are a lot of green areas in the city, which is becoming a more and more pedestrian and biker-friendly place.
6. Good Traffic Opportunities
Budapest has the longest public transport network in the region; regarding this, the Hungarian capital is better than Prague or Bratislava.