Japanese-Hungarian Economic Relations Strengthen
December 4th, 2013

A Japanese-Hungarian business forum was held in the Japanese capital, which’s aim was strengthening the Japanese-Hungarian economic relations. Besides Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán a 61-member delegacy of businessmen travelled to Tokyo, representing the automotive, the food and wine and the metal and machine industry. On the forum organized by the Hungarian Investment and Trade Agency (HITA) the businessmen representing 55 companies discussed the opportunities for strengthening economic relations between the two countries. According to the contract signed by the Japanese and the Hungarian party the two countries will organize fares and exhibitions together, and help each other in organizing investments and business development. On the forum the vice-president of HITA responsible for government relations talked about the government’s opening towards the East and the export and development opportunities.
New Japanese Investment in Miskolc
Hungary is the biggest East-Central European import partner of Japan, and the second biggest export partner. Hungary imports mostly machines, transport devices and processed goods from Japan. The amount of the Japanese investments in Hungary was EUR 722 million in 2012; this made Japan Hungary’s 11th biggest foreign investor. Currently about 150 Japanese-based companies are operating in Hungary. Last year a total of EUR 1200 million of investments were realized in the country, thanks to which 6 thousand new jobs were created. At the moment the opening of the Takata car parts factory is being prepared in Miskolc, where a thousand Hungarian workers can get jobs.